Safe Schools

How to Get Help

Published: 5/29/2024 8:17 AM

Look for possible signs of bullying. Children who are being bullied may be embarrassed and not want to talk about it. Be aware of the signs that your child is being bullied so you can help resolve the problem. If your child is being bullied, he or she may:

  • Have physical injuries. Bruises, cuts, scrapes, and scratches are common.
  • Lose items frequently. Bullying often includes taking belongings or stealing lunch money or prepared lunches. Your child may come home from school without favorite toys, clothes, or other items. He or she may also come home very hungry from having missed lunch.
  • Sleep poorly and develop frequent headaches, stomachaches, and other physical problems. Your child may pretend to be sick or make other excuses to avoid certain people or situations.
  • Cry frequently or act differently. For example, an outgoing child may suddenly become withdrawn and sad. A shy child may become overactive and aggressive.
  • Not speak or show fear when certain people or situations are mentioned.
  • Suddenly receive lower grades or develop learning problems.
  • Talk about suicide. Call the Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1 (800) 273-8255 if your child is having suicidal thoughts.

Talk to your child about what you have observed or what they have disclosed to you. If the bullying is severe or illegal, contact the police department. 

Report the bullying to your child’s teacher.  If you feel like nothing has been done or the bullying continues, report the bullying to the school principal. Please keep in mind that due to privacy laws, you may not be aware of how the school is handling the bullying.

The Kentucky Center for School safety has the S.T.O.P.! Tipline that you can call to report bullying in your school district, if your district has signed on to participate. 


​Blake Konny
Office of Continuous Improvement and Support
Division of Student Success
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4772
Fax (502) 564-7820

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