Guidance and Resources

State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)

Published: 2/27/2025 1:06 PM
​​​​​​​​​The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) ​developed a State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP). The State Identified Measurable Result (SIMR) for the SSIP is “to increase the percentage of students with disabilities performing at or above proficient in middle school math, specifically at the 8th-grade level, with emphasis on reducing novice performance, by providing professional learning, technical assistance and support to elementary and middle school teachers around implementing, scaling and sustaining Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and evidence-based practices in math.”

Through the SSIP, the KDE collaborates with regional cooperatives in a limited number of districts known as Transformation Zones. Using continuous improvement cycles, regions are supporting districts in reaching the districts’ goals.

Four boxes in a linked pattern (building implementation, district implementation, regional implementation & state implementation  

The State Systemic Improvement Plan focuses on exploring the Active Implementation Frameworks which provide intentional support at each level of the system to increase effective implementation of evidence-based practices (EBP) and achieve improved student outcomes. To accomplish these goals, the formula of success is used to be put the frameworks in place by:

  1. Usable Innovation: An evidence-based practice (EBP) or program that is intended to improve results is chosen based on need, the best available evidence to achieve the specified goal and is operationalized to be teachable, learnable, doable and measurable. 
  2. Effective Implementation and Improvement: Teams receive training, coaching and feedback to effectively use the EBP and make improvements based on feedback. 
  3. Enabling Context: The team actively creates a hospitable environment to ensure an enabling context exists to support implementation and improvement in the use of the EBP. 
  4. Educationally Significant Outcomes: Successful implementation of the formula of success results in educationally significant outcomes. 

Usable Innovations

Part of the Active Implementation Frameworks is having a quality innovation that is usable and measurable known as the “what” you plan to implement. For an innovation to be usable, it must have a clear description in which the key features and purpose of the innovation are easily identifiable. 

Resources for Mathematics Usable Innovations

Below are resources that clearly define effective mathematics instruction to support students with disabilities.  

Kentucky Mathematics Toolkit to Support Students with Disabilitie​s: This toolkit includes resources to identify and measure effective mathematics instruction in the classroom to support students with disabilities.​

Kentucky Mathematics Innovation Practice Profile: Based on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ (NCTM) eight mathematics teaching practices, this document operationalizes quality math instruction in the classroom. It can be used to support the implementation of any mathematics innovation. 

The resources below provide a deeper look into each mathematics teaching practice by including strategies for implementation to support students with disabilities. 

Source: Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All, copyright 2014, by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Tools for Selecting Usable Innovations for All Content Areas

Below are tools that can be used to select an innovation to determine whether it is a good fit based on the need and if there are enough resources available to support the effective use of the innovation. 

Hexagon​ Tool​: A tool used to evaluate innovations and determine what gaps need to be addressed prior to implementation. 

Initiative Inventor​y:​ A tool used to review past and current programs to get a clear picture of successful strategies, challenges, requirements, and resource commitments.

Kentucky Usable Innovation Process: A support tool to guide teams through analyzing new or current innovations (programs, practices, initiatives) that can be used to meet the identified needs of students and support improved student outcomes.        

Co-creation of Kentucky’s Usable Innovation: A How-to-Guide​: This publication serves as a How-To-Guide through a detailed description of the step-by-step process used to co-create a Mathematics Usable Innovation.          

Effective Implementation and Improvement

Accomplishing Effective and Durable Change to Support Improved Student Outcomes - Kentucky White Paper​: This white paper shares Kentucky’s journey and learnings from using implementation science to improve student outcomes.  

Enabling Context

Leadership Driver - Technical and Adaptive Challenges​: The use of the Leadership Driver in the context of active implementation focuses on leadership approaches related to transforming systems and creating change.​​​


Implementation Resource

Active Implementation Hub (AIHUB) Learning modules, articles, and planning tools/templates to support implementation.

SSIP Documents

SSIP Theory of Action​

SSIP Evaluation Plan

SSIP Phase I: Provides an overview of the analysis that led to the focus of the SSIP along with strategies that would be used to improve educational outcomes for SWD.​

SSIP Phase 1: data analysis, infrastructure analysis, state identified measurable result, coherent improvement strategies, theor ​

SSIP Phase II: Based on the analysis from Phase I, Phase II describes the plan to improve educational outcomes for SWD.

SSIP Phase 2. Multi-year plan addressing: infrastructure development, support EIS Program/LEA in Implementing evidence-based pra 
SSIP Phase III: Describes the implementation progress of the plan in Phase II.
SSIP Phase III, Year 2: Describes the second year of implementation progress of the plan in Phase II. 

SSIP Phase III, Year 3: Describes the third year of implementation progress of the plan in Phase II.

SSIP Phase III, Year 4: Describes the fourth year of implementation progress of the plan in Phase II.

SSIP Phase​ III, Year 5: Describes the fifth year of implementation progress of the plan in Phase II​​

For SSIP reports beginning in FFY 2020, please see the Public Reporting of IDEA Part B Data​ webpage.​


Anne Simpson​
Division of IDEA Implementation and Preschool
Office of Special Education and Early Learning
300 Sower Blvd. - 4th floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4970 ext. 4117



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