Guidance and Resources

Participation Guidance

Published: 2/28/2025 9:20 AM

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This page includes guidance for Admission and Release Committees (ARC) when determining participation in state assessments.

As stated in the Kentucky Administrative Regulations (KARs), “If the ARC determines that the child meets the criteria for participation in the alternate portfolio, as provided in 703 KAR 5:070, it shall provide a statement of its decision and the reasons for the decision." [707 KAR 1:320, Section 5 (11)]​

​Guidance for the ARC

Kentucky Participation for Alternate Assessment Guidance and Trainings​

The KDE, in collaboration with the Alternate Assessment and Diploma Advisory Group (AADAG) and regional special education cooperatives, developed a plan for extensive statewide training, coaching, and support. This training plan is known as the Participation for Alternate Assessment (P4AA) Project. The project included designing and improving guidance and training resources regarding alternate assessment participation. 



Lauren Thieneman
Office of Special Education and Early Learning
300 Sower Blvd., 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4970 
Fax (502) 564-6721 ​​


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