Guidance and Resources

Instructional Resources

Published: 2/25/2025 11:36 AM

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​​Academic and Content Resources

  • Kentucky Foundational Literacy Toolkit to Support Students with Disabilities:​ a tool to assist districts and schools in improving literacy outcomes for students with disabilities by supporting the implementation of key foundational literacy practices. The KFLPP focuses on foundational literacy skills; skills that are the building blocks of early reading and writing and promote students' success in literacy, and is not specific to any grade level, learning environment, curriculum or program. As the KFLPP was developed through an extensive look at evidence and research-based instructional practices, it can be utilized with any literacy innovation (program or practice).​​
  • Kentucky Mathematics Toolkit to Support Students with Disabilities: This toolkit includes resources to identify and measure effective mathematics instruction in the classroom to support students with disabilities.
  • The IRIS C​enter - Developed in collaboration with nationally recognized researchers and education experts, the Center's resources about evidence-based instructional and intervention practices—modules, case study units, activities and others (including a number of web-based tools)—are specifically created for use in college instruction, professional ​development activities and independent learning opportunities for practicing educators.
  • Mathematics Assessment Resource Project:​ The project provides tools for formative and summative assessment that help support students' mathematical knowledge and reasoning. It also provides resources for teachers that help them grow their ability to teach mathematical concepts. ​
  • National Center on Accessible Educational Materials (AEM) for Learning​: AEM provides resources to promote equitable opportunities for children with disabilities to participate in high-quality early learning programs, be involved in and progress in the general education curriculum, prepare to meet college and career-ready standards, participate in assessments and transition to postsecondary education and the workforce. Resources include Best Practices for Educators & Instructors​ which provides information on how to create accessible educational materials.

Collaboration Resources

Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) Resources: 

  • Teaching LD: Students with disabilities can demonstrate their knowledge when provided with uniquely tailored tools and strategies that support their learning. This page contains information and resources for teaching students with Learning Disabilities, including supports for content instruction, transition and behavior. Specific resources include but are not limited to Vocabulary Instruction ​(Reading), Mnemonics​ (Reading), Graphic Organizers​ and Explicit Instruction/Modeling​ (Math).
  • Intervention Central​: Includes resources for various academic interventions. These resources can be used for both RTI and SDI.
  • SPLASH​: The SPLASH initiative is grounded in research-based practices to increase teacher skillsets and administrator understanding of indicators of high-quality teaching and learning for students with moderate/severe disabilities (MSD).
  • Specially Designed Instruction (SDI)​: Improving Outcomes for Students with Disabilities: This graphic provides basic information and resources to support Administrators' understanding of SDI.  
  • Evidence-Bas​ed Practices (IRIS)​: These research summaries - covering instructional strategies and interventions - offer information that includes levels of effectiveness as well as the age groups for which a given strategy or intervention is designed. Links to the original reports are also provided for those who might wish to explore further. 
  • High-Leverage Practices (IRI​S)​: This interactive alignment tool identifies which IRIS resources provide information on high-leverage practices. High-leverage practices are 22 essential special education techniques that all K-12 special education teachers should master for use across a variety of classroom contexts. Learn more about these practices in the guidance document High-Leverages Practices in Special Education. 
  • IRIS Center: IRIS Center offers a wide variety of resources about evidence-based instructional and intervention practices to support behavior and classroom management, including modules, practice guides and research summaries to support students with disabilities.  See the “Resources Locator" for information and training on how to support behavior and classroom management.  Some resources include:  
  • Intervention Central: This includes a wealth of resources from self-management to school-wide behavior intervention approaches.
  • Kentucky Academic and Behavioral Response to Intervention (KY-ABRI)​: The KY-ABRI project is focused on providing technical assistance (TA) and support to all Kentucky schools and districts in developing an MTSS. KY-ABRI scales up to create a three-tiered service delivery model:  
    • Tier 1 - all districts and schools have access to online tutorials and in-depth training in various locations across the state;  
    • Tier 2 - online consultation with content experts or state-wide consultants; and 
    • Tier 3 -specific districts receive on-site coaching and training.   
    • The goal at KY-ABRI is to ensure all Kentucky districts and schools have access to quality training and coaching to successfully implement an MTSS. 
  • Students with Disabilities and the Use of Restraint and Seclusion in K-12 Public Schools​: This webinar from the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) reviews implicated issues and requirements relating to the use of restraint and seclusion of students with disabilities. The webinar provides a brief description of OCR's Civil Rights Data Collection System and some overall guidance regarding data reporting of restraint and seclusion. 
  • Special Olympics Kentucky (SOKY)​: The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community. The Unified Champion Schools (UCS) initiative strategically supports inclusive sports, youth leadership and whole-school engagement. 

​Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Virtual Learning/Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI)/Distance Learning Resources

Administrator Resource​s

Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Principal Leadership Standards in Support of Students with Disabilities:​ This document details Promoting Principal Leadership for the Success of Students with Disabilities and conveys high expectations for school leaders and administrators. The resource provides concrete examples and vignettes of how principals have worked to develop and demonstrate competencies and skills to better meet the needs of students with disabilities.

Promoting Principal Leadership for the Success of Students with Disabilities: This resource is a part of the CCSSO document above. It is a crosswalk chart that lists PSEL standards for Principal Leadership. There are 10 overall standards, and each standard is broken down more concretely into 3-4 proficiencies which describe in greater detail the competencies/skills that administrators should possess when leading their school teams to successfully meet the needs of students with disabilities.  ​

General Resources

Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS): The KAS contain the minimum required standards that all Kentucky students should have the opportunity to learn before graduating from Kentucky high schools. 

Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Learning (CHETL): The CHETL focuses on the instructional core and is organized around five components: learning climate; classroom assessment and reflection; instructional rigor and student engagement; instructional relevance; and knowledge of content.

WestEd Special Education Resources: WestEd provides information and resources to improve developmental and academic outcomes for young people with disabilities. This page includes webinars and resources on a variety of topics, including Supporting English Learners with disabilities, distance learning, improving teaching and learning and more.

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)​: The CEC is a professional association of educators dedicated to advancing the success of children with exceptionalities. They offer a variety of resources including information on advocacy, standards and professional development.​​


Lynn Lockard
Division of IDEA Implementation and Preschool
Office of Special Education and Early Learning
300 Sower Blvd., 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4970 Ext. 4115

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