Assessment Support

School Report Card

Published: 3/7/2025 12:26 PM

​Each year, Kentucky schools publish School Report Cards (SRC) and post them on the Kentucky Department of Education website. Not to be confused with student report cards, School and District Report Cards provide information about each school and district, including test performance, teacher qualifications, student safety, awards, parent involvement and much more. The School and District Report Cards were established by statute KRS 158.6453 (20)​​, and regulation 703 KAR 5:140. Additionally, the report card must incorporate the requirements of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

School Report Cards help open the lines of communication between a school, the homes of its students and its local community. They provide an opportunity for schools to highlight their strengths and explain what they are doing to improve. Parents can use School Report Cards when they visit their child's school for conferences and other meetings.

While the KDE website is the most convenient and inexpensive way for the vast majority of Kentucky parents to receive this information, schools and districts are required upon request to print cards for parents lacking internet access.​

Accountability Results

Explanation of Previous ​​Accountability Results

For questions regarding specific data in the SRC, please contact the appropriate data steward. This information and more is available from the Other SRC Resources for Districts page. 

Historical Report Card Sets 2012-2022​

KDE DAC Information
Office of Assessment and Accountability
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4394

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