
Progress on English Language Proficiency

Published: 1/18/2024 8:30 AM

​​​​​​​​​​​​English Learner Progress 

The English Learner (EL) progress indicator is a new component under ESSA of the school accountability system. Previously under No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and ESEA flexibility, EL progress was monitored through a separate accountability system- Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs). ESSA instead folded in EL progress as a component of the larger school accountability system.  

In Kentucky’s Every Student Succeeds ACT (ESSA) plan, it describes how Kentucky will assist districts and schools with reporting for the Progress in Achieving Language Proficiency Indicator and providing long–term goals for English Learners on the English Language Proficiency assessment.To show progress on this indicator, schools and districts must look at individual student’s scores from previous year to current year. Status Score is calculated by comparing a student’s WIDA ACCESS or Alternate ​ACCESS performance from last year to this year using the EL tables to assign points and averaging the scores. ​

​For each state indicator, there are five Status Levels, ranging from very high to very low and five Change Levels, ranging from increased significantly to declined significantly. Indicator color ratings are based on the combination of Status and Change using a 5 X 5 table.

Progress in Achieving English Language Proficiency Indicator

The Progress in Achieving English Language Proficiency indicator shows how non-native English-speaking students at a school or district are making progress in becoming proficient in English. 

The English Learner (EL) Progress Indicator is one of six state indicators included in Kentucky's Accountability System ​ and part of 703 KAR 5:270 regulation. 

The indicator uses student data from ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS to measure English Language Learner’s growth toward proficiency of the English language. 

Points from the EL Table based are on the current composite score from the English Language Proficiency (ELP) assessment-ACCESS or Alternate ACCESS.​

​EL Long Term Goals

ESEA section 3113 (b)(6) requires long-term goals, including measurements of interim progress towards meeting such goals, for improved academic achievement, as measured by proficiency on the annual statewide assessments, for all students and for each subgroup of students. The long-term goals are as follows: to reduce the percentage of students scoring lower than proficient by 50 percent from 2019 by 2030. Because of COVID 19’s impact on instruction and accountability, all long-term goals will be shifted 2 year starting in 2020 (IE 2020’s goal will become 2022. With 2030 shifting to 2032). 

Based upon WIDA ACCESS for ELLs progress toward proficiency 

It is currently based on a student reaching proficiency in five years, so it takes the student student’s first year and creates a trajectory for each student to be proficient by the end of the year five and if the student is at or above the target value then the student is classifies as being on track ​​

KDE DAC Information
Office of Assessment and Accountability
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4394

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