
KY Competency Education and Assessment Consortium

Published: 7/11/2024 11:12 AM

​The Kentucky Competency Education & Assessment Consortium (KCEAC) consists of districts across the state interested in providing their students with the option of a competency pathway toward graduation. The KCEAC vision is to create a collaboration among districts committed to a systemic approach to competency education and assessment and, with the support of the Kentucky Department of Education, design and implement a competency education and assessment system. KCEAC began in 2018 as a pilot program but has since taken on a consortium approach modeled after the New York Performance Standards Consortium.

Why competency education?

Competency education is a flexible method of teaching that enables students to progress as they demonstrate mastery of academic content, regardless of time, pace, or place of learning. Competency education is part of a system of personalized learning and centers around a common set of beliefs:

  • Competency education allows students to demonstrate deeper learning on dimensions (skills and dispositions) not captured in current assessments that result in outcomes of success that extend beyond traditional academic performance.

  • Competency education supports the success of all students, especially those who are less likely to perform well in the current assessment and accountability system.

  • Competency education shows more evidence of stronger student engagement than do more traditional approaches.

  • Competency education allows (through student choice) the opportunity for students to make interdisciplinary connections across the curriculum through authentic projects and assessments.

  • Competency education can be implemented in a wide variety of districts and customized as needed.

  • Competency education provides additional measures of success beyond traditional academic performance.

A competency-based system includes the following:

  • Students advance upon mastery.

  • Competencies include explicit, measurable, transferable learning objectives that empower students.

  • Assessment is meaningful and a positive learning experience for students.

  • Students receive timely, differentiated support based on their individual learning needs.

  • Learning outcomes emphasize competencies that include application and creation of knowledge, along with the development of important skills and dispositions.​

How can I join?

Districts interested in joining KCEAC can contact Sarah Snipes, Director, Division of Innovation. Districts participating in KCEAC commit to a shared set of beliefs around competency education and to using a set of shared anchor competencies. The benefits of joining KCEAC include access to expert partners contracted by KDE. KCEAC districts worked with Alcine Mumby of Envision Learning Partners to create a set of performance outcomes during the 2018-2019 school year, and sent teams through a summer competency workshop facilitated by Chris Sturgis of LearningEdge (formerly of iNACOL) during summer 2019.

Where can I learn more about competency education?

​Jodi Doman
Office of Continuous Improvement and Support
Division of Innovation
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4201 
Fax (502) 564-8149​

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