The Non-Traditional Instruction Program (NTI) is a program that encourages the continuation of learning on days when the entire district is closed due to health of safety reasons. School districts create plans to deliver instruction to every student in the district and provide for student and teacher interaction on NTI days, with the ultimate goal of continuing instruction. The Commissioner of Education can approve up to ten NTI days to count towards student attendance days in the school districts’ calendars.
History of NTI
Prior to the inception of NTI, Kentucky school districts lost many days of instructional time due to health or safety related closures.
The NTI program is codified in KRS 158.070 (9): Notwithstanding any other statute, each school term shall include no less than the equivalent of the student instructional year in subsection (1)(f) of this section, or a variable student instructional year in subsection (1)(h) of this section, except that the commissioner of education may grant up to the equivalent of ten (10) student attendance days for school districts that have a nontraditional instruction plan approved by the commissioner of education on days when the school district is closed for health or safety reasons. The district's plan shall indicate how the nontraditional instruction process shall be a continuation of learning that is occurring on regular student attendance days. Instructional delivery methods, including the use of technology, shall be clearly delineated in the plan. Average daily attendance for purposes of Support Education Excellence in Kentucky program funding during the student attendance days granted shall be calculated in compliance with administrative regulations promulgated by the Kentucky Board of Education.
The Non-Traditional Instruction program began as a pilot in 2011, then as a statewide program in the 2014-2015 school year. The program grew each year and in 2019-2020, 83 districts participated. In March 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was determined that the NTI program would expand to all school districts. The program operated on a full-time, emergency status with unlimited days throughout the spring of 2020 and almost all of the 2020-2021 school year. In the fall of 2021, the NTI program reverted back to its stated statutory guidelines.
Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) Overview
KDE has created a video and accompanying PowerPoint to provide an overview of the Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) including the following topics:
- Application Process
- Allowable and non-allowable items
- Attaining digital/online work samples
- Establishing internal processes
- End-of-Year Monitoring Review
- Commissioner Approval of NTI Days
Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) Diagnostic
The NTI application process is handled as a diagnostic referred to as the Continuation of Learning Plan within the Continuous Improvement Platform. This diagnostic is completed in PHASE 4 of the district's Comprehensive District Improvement Plan. The diagnostic is due by May 1 of the year prior to its implementation.
A committee of cross-agency KDE personnel will review the diagnostic and make recommended changes back to the district. The diagnostic becomes a part of the district's approved Comprehensive District Improvement Plan.
Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) Data Collection
NTI documentation of use of NTI days, reason for use, student and teacher participation rates are collected via Infinite Campus. Reference the Non-Traditional Instruction Data Standards to accurately record use of NTI days. The Non-Traditional Instruction Data Collection Training provides a slide presentation of the NTI data entry within Infinite Campus.
Districts are required to maintain lesson plans and accompanying student work samples for each grade
level. Districts must hold individual records for each grade K-12 and encompass various content areas
(Math, Language/Arts, Science, Social Studies, districts’ electives) for each NTI day utilized during a school year. Please note that grade books, roster completion sheets, and summary
grade pages do not qualify as acceptable student work samples or lesson plans.
These samples should be kept in the district office for monitoring purposes. The samples will not be submitted to KDE but must be available upon request.
Monitoring of NTI Programs
KDE will choose a sampling of district NTI programs to monitor each year. NTI documentation and student samples will be reviewed during the monitoring visit.