The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) receives reimbursement from the local school districts for the school district employer's portion of Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Administrative Fees, Health Reimbursement Account (HRA), and Dental and Vision Reimbursement Account paid for federally funded district employees.
The following are necessary steps for the districts processing these payments.
1. Districts need to complete the processing of the Federal Reimbursement in the Enterprise ERP system (EERP).
Go to the “
Enterprise ERP (MUNIS) Support and Guides” website under “Payroll – Statewide”, and chose “KY Employee Benefits Munis EERP Processing Guide” for the most current instructions on processing the Federal Reimbursement in the Enterprise ERP system.
2. Districts are required to submit an excel report to KDE for the Federal Reimbursement of the Health Benefits submission process, known as the “File Submission”. Districts will need to assign employee user(s) to upload the excel report to KDE’s SharePoint site. To add or remove a user from the "Federal Reimbursement of Health Benefits" process, please send an email to with "
Federal Reimbursement user change" in the
subject line.
Go to the
KDE SharePoint site. Please NOTE that SharePoint works better in a modern web browser like "Microsoft Edge" or "Google Chrome". Provided below are instructions on the submission process and a list of the district & coop numbers. As of November 1, 2023, the Cooperatives began the process of uploading their documents.
NOTE: The Cooperatives NOT on EERP have separate instructions and a verification form (listed below) that are required to be completed and uploaded into SharePoint.
Guidance below for Coops NOT on EERP:
3. Districts are to make the Federal Reimbursement ACH payment to the state’s Finance-Controller’s Office (FCO).
Federal Reimbursement Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) ACH Pay Setup
The Federal Reimbursement payment is to be paid by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) ACH Pay. This process is an online transaction through a secure website that is handled by the Finance-Controller's Office (FCO).
Please see the document below titled "Guidance on ACH Pay Application" for assistance on how to make a change to the ACH Pay account.
Federal Reimbursement Specifics
Administration Fee & Life Insurance Premium
The below is the current rates for the Administrative Fees and Life Insurance Premiums.
NOTE: When there is a change in these rates please remember to change the
rates in MUNIS before generating Federal Reimbursement file according to the effective date of the change.
January 1, 2025 (no change)
Administrictive Fee - $8.00 - effective 1/1/21
Life Insurance Premium - $1.00 - effective 7/1/15
NOTE: The Federal Reimbursement of Health Benefit payments are posted to the "On Behalf Payments" webpage quarterly.
For more information contact:
Jackie ChismOffice of Finance and Operations
Division of District Support
300 Sower Blvd, 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
502-564-3846 x4445