Kentucky Student Information Systems (KSIS)

Kentucky Student Information System (KSIS)

Published: 1/10/2025 2:30 PM

​The Kentucky Student Information System (KSIS) provides data for many purposes including policy-making, budgetary planning, and educational program management and improvement. The KSIS enterprise system supports the state's 173 local school districts and schools and provides a secure and seamless integration for collecting data needed by the local school districts, the state and the federal government. Infinite Campus, Inc. (Campus) provides and manages the system through a multi-year state contract awarded in 2006.

​KSIS is the authoritative source for student data. This includes but is not limited to student demographics, attendance, behavior, health, grades, GPA, graduates, courses, teacher-student class rosters, and program participation including special education, gifted and talented, Title I, limited-English proficiency, Family Resource and Youth Services Centers, free and reduced meal status, preschool, and migrant. The data system also includes school, district, superintendent, principal and teacher information.

Kentucky's student information system is continuously updated to meet customer needs as well as changing federal, state, and local laws, and regulations. As a result, the information on these pages will change periodically so be sure to bookmark this site and visit regularly.

Lisa DeGaris is the Infinite Campus client executive and advocate for school districts. She facilitates user group meetings and the communication of system updates. You may contact Ms. DeGaris by email.

Lisa Keeter is the Infinite Campus-KSIS System Administrator. You may contact Ms. Keeter by email​.

Civil Rights Data Collection Information

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) conducts the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) for data on key education and civil rights issues in our nation's public schools. The CRDC includes a variety of information including student enrollment, and educational programs and services, most of which is disaggregated by race/ethnicity, sex, limited English proficiency and disability.

KSIS Alerts and Notifications 

The Kentucky Student Information System Point of Contact (KSIS POC) e-mail distribution list is used by the KDE to notify districts of KSIS Alerts and Notifications.

KSIS Data Standards 

This page is intended to help school districts with the data standardization process and data clean-up in the Kentucky Student Information System (KSIS)/Infinite Campus.

KSIS District Contacts 

The Kentucky Student Information System (KSIS) Point of Contact (POC) list is comprised of Kentucky school district personnel serving as liaison between their district and the Kentucky Department of Education for the student information system.

KSIS Newsletters 

The Kentucky Student Information System (KSIS) newsletter provides timely information for school districts regarding KSIS issues..

KSIS Other Information 

Additional reference information is provided to enhance Kentucky Student Information System (KSIS) users' knowledge and to document processes not covered in other KSIS resource materials.

KSIS training 

KDE and Infinite Campus provide in-depth training on use of the Kentucky Student Information System (KSIS). In addition to the training opportunities on this page, visit the Infinite Campus training portal at Campus Community and Infinite Campus University (ICU)​ for more Kentucky-specific training opportunities.


The Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) administers student financial aid programs including the Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (KEES) and Kentucky Dual Credit Scholarship (DCS) programs. High schools must report student eligibility to KHEAA from the Kentucky Student Information System (Infinite Campus). .

KSIS-KTS Data Exchange

The Kentucky Tech System (KTS) data exchange is a secure transfer of student enrollments between the student's high school and technical center. The data exchange streamlines processes, eliminates the need for email and paper reports, and minimizes dual data entry.

KDE Data Services 
Office of Education Technology
Division of School Data Services
300 Sower Blvd., 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-2020 
Fax (502) 564-1519

KDE Data Services​​

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