Teachers and Other Professionals

Student Surveys

Published: 9/9/2024 9:34 AM

Student perception data provides teachers and other professionals feedback from students related to their learning experiences. Whether the information is used as part of formalized self-reflection or as part of an educator’s ongoing formative feedback process, the results have potential to improve the learning environment and instructional practice.  

When student surveys are included in a local district’s personnel evaluation system, the local district Certified Evaluation Plan (CEP) provides guidance and requirements specific to district administration and use. While a district may determine the use of student voice as required source of evidence for certified evaluation, there are no mandates for any specific survey or procedures for implementation. Each of these are a local decision. However, as a resource, districts continue to have access to the STUDENT Survey in Infinite Campus. The survey tool provides needed functionality as well as latitude on set up. 

The Kentucky STUDENT survey (see Resources) asks questions of students that assess seven constructs of student engagement: support, transparency, understanding, discipline, engagement, nurture and trust. Infinite Campus is the state-provided, online mode of implementation of the Kentucky STUDENT survey; districts may use it free of charge. Other possible modes of administration include paper/pencil, online/digital surveys and Scantron. 



Teacher STUDENT Survey Questions: 

Other Professional STUDENT Survey Questions:  
Provides lesson plans and helpful materials   
Technical Assistance  

A technical manual to administer the STUDENT Survey through Infinite Campus.

Other Modes of Implementation Guide:
Provides instructions for administering the STUDENT survey through other modes and contains the surveys specific to other professionals.

Elly Gilbert
Office of Educator Licensure and Effectiveness
Division of Educator Recruitment and Development
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-1479 Ext. 4544
Fax (502) 564-4007

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