KRS 156.095, Section 8 requires KDE to develop and maintain a list of approved comprehensive evidence-informed trainings on child abuse and neglect prevention, recognition, and reporting that encompass child physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and neglect.
Training Requirements
The trainings shall be Web-based or in-person and cover, at a minimum, the following topics:
Recognizing child physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and neglect;
Reporting suspected child abuse and neglect in Kentucky as required by KRS 620.030 and the appropriate documentation;
Responding to the child; and
Responding to the child
Understanding the response of child protective services.
The trainings shall include a questionnaire, or other basic assessment tool, upon completion to document participants' basic knowledge of training components.
Each local school board shall adopt one or more trainings from the list approved by the Department of Education to be implemented by schools.
Training must be completed within ninety (90) days of being hired and every two years for school administrators, certified personnel, office staff, instructional assistants, as well as coaches and extracurricular sponsors who are employed by the school district.
All school administrators, certified personnel, office staff, instructional assistants, and coaches and extracurricular sponsors who are employed by the school district hired after January 31, 2017, shall complete the implemented training or trainings within ninety (90) days of being hired and then every two years after.
Every public school shall prominently display the statewide child abuse hotline number and the National Human Trafficking Reporting Hotline number administered by the United States Department for Health and Human Services.
Child Abuse and Neglect (CA/N) Checks
CA/N Checks are required for public school employees, student teachers, contractors and School-Based-Decision-Making Council Members. These are processed through the Cabinet for Health and Family Services via the Kentucky Online Gateway platform.
The Records Management Section responds to requests and
can be contacted at (502) 564-3834.