Professional Learning Bulletin Board
The Professional Learning Bulletin Board (PLBB) is a great resource for exploring options for professional learning. Currently, over 70 professional learning offerings are posted on the PLBB, including sessions for administrators, counselors, certified and classified staff. A wide variety of topics are available in both virtual and on-demand formats, many of which include EILA credit, and the site is regularly updated.
Kentucky Academic Standards Professional Learning Modules provides many professional learning modules that help build better understanding of the Kentucky Academic Standards. Modules can be facilitated in professional learning communities, virtual professional learning environments or teachers can work through modules on their own. Please visit the Professional Learning Modules webpage for more information.

Learning Forward
The Learning Forward website presents
Standards for Professional Learning to describe the conditions, content, and processes for professional learning that leads to high-quality leading, teaching, and learning for students and educators.
Rivet Education
Professional Learning Partner Guide (PLPG) from Rivet Education provides school systems with a searchable database of national and local professional learning providers that have the expertise to support the adoption and implementation of high-quality instructional resources (HQIR).