Comprehensive Support and Improvement/Educational Recovery

National Institute for School Leadership (NISL)

Published: 3/25/2025 12:24 PM

KDE has been working with National Institute for School Leadership (NISL) to provide leadership training to school and district leaders. NISL is a thoroughly researched and fully tested program designed to assist schools and districts across the state with leadership development efforts. The intent is to build leadership capacity through distributed leadership, increase recruitment and retention of effective leaders and improve student achievement. ​​​​​​

​The twelve-thirteen month NISL Executive Development for School Leadership curriculum focuses on:

  • training in standards-based instructional systems aligned by KDE and NISL staff,

  • training in data analysis skills related to student achievement data,

  • capacity to take learning theory into practice, by providing skills and knowledge to enable principals to be instructional leaders in literacy, math, and science in their own schools, and

  • training principals in distributed leadership strategies that will assist in developing the professional capacity of school staff. 

Please see the Superintendent Letter for additional information on LEAD-Kentucky. If interested in participating, please send your information to

NISL Materials Agreement

The materials agreement is required by NISL and provides guidance on the legal use of materials that are provided during LEAD-Kentucky trainings. This agreement must be signed by all parties prior to participation in any cadre.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

The MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) is for schools and districts that want to participate in LEAD-Kentucky and are willing to pay for tuition/registration. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of participants, their sponsoring school districts, and the Kentucky Department of Education. A MOU must be signed by all parties prior to participation in any cadre. Financial support is provided to Focus Schools by the Kentucky Department of Education on a year-to-year basis when funds are available. Please contact for more information.


​Kelly Foster
Office of Continuous Improvement and Support
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-5130 Ext. 4001
Fax (502) 564-8149
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